These are amazing compression socks.

It’s taken me 50 years to find the most luxurious, comfortable and warm socks.

You might be saying, “Socks really?” I know, but I have a bunion and I need comfortable but fashion-friendly socks and clothes.

This year when Covid 19 hit, I decided I wasn’t going to freeze during another winter, and now that it’s spring I also needed breathable socks.

So the hunt was onto find fashionable clothes and socks that were warm, and supportive.

I started seeing an Exercise Physiologist to get fit and strong …. and my dog’s vet also told me to walk Olly everyday because he needed to lose weight and it would help his arthritis.

This is how I came across “Feetures” – merino wool socks with naturaln and synthetic performance wicking fibers to keep your feet cool and dry.

Feetures, is the top running and walking sock in the United States.

The company is run and owned by an American family who were in hosiery for 21 years.

Hugh Gaither, the founder and CEO of Feetures, came up with the idea of seemless, left and right socks,n that structure the foot while reducing the risk of blisters.

In the year 2000, Feetures was born in Charlotte, Carolina in America.

He started out small with his three sons and then took the businessn worldwide.

I don’t want this blog to sound like an advertisement, but treat yourself to a pair – there’s a whole range of colours and support strength.

If you suffer foot problems such as plantar fasciitis, athlete’s foot, corns, foot spurs, calluses, ingrown toenails, arthritis, cracked feet and heels and even edema, these socks will help you.

Podiatrists recommend wearing socks that let your skin breathe.

Rebel Sports stock Feetures, and smaller sporting shops and of course you can buy them online.

Once you wear them you won’t nwant to take them off, it’s like walking on air !!

Daniel Andrews

Daniel Andrews

Is Daniel Andrews on a power trip ?

His decision, along with the Chief Healthcare Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, wants to introduce a Bill when Parliament sits next week to extend the “state of emergency” provisions by a further 12 months in Victoria.

But this nanny-state, will not survive another 12 months of lockdown – mental illness is on the rise – Beyond Blue, the Black Dog Institute, Lifeline and GP’s have been inundated with Victorians suffering from loneliness, bankrupsy, domestic violence, anxiety and suicides.

Major Brendan Nottle of The Salvation Army, says the amount of marriage breakdowns has risen by 400%!

“We’re receiving triple the amount of desperate calls from people,” Nottle explained.

“My wife and I have openline at our home, where people of all backgrounds talk about their problems.”

Victorians are suffering from lockdown fatigue, we’ve been doing this since March.

If Andrews’ Bill is passed, it will give Professor Brett Dutton huge power.

And like others are saying, the reason for stage 4 restrictions is due to the incompentency of Andrews government of the bungling of the “hotel quarantine” and failure to act more swiftly to prevent covid 19 in aged care.

“Extending the state of emergency is about ensuring legally that our health care experts will have the power to enforce laws to keep us safe,” Andrews explained.

But commonsense prevailed yesterday when the Victorian Opposition leader, Michael O’Brien, said he’d oppose the Bill.

“Victorians don’t deserve to be locked in their homes, away from their jobs for another year,” O’Brien said.

Liberal Democrats MP David Limbrick will also block the proposed extension.

“The Victorian Government has had 6 months to get it right, but they don’t seem to understand the real world, and the harm they’ve caused and continuing to cause.”

Our children are doing it hard … not seeing their school and some having to do on-line schooling on their own.

I’ve met several primary school kids on my walk everyday (aged between 9 -12yrs old) on their own, looking lost and lonely with two 12yr-old boys asking me if I had some “choof” – marijuana, so they could party with their mates.

Dictator Dan says he wants to save Victorians from the coronavirus, but there’s no vaccine to date.

It’s about time Andrews realised we need to live with this virus like the rest of Australia.

“Sicktoria”, as other states refer to Victorians, will start showing widespread disobedience if this lockdown continues beyond September 13.

There’s only so much people can take.

Unfortunately Andrews has now sent a message to business’ not to invest in Victoria, so more small businesses will close.

The Reserve Bank is predicting an additional 400,000 Australians will lose their jobs before Christmas.

And data has revealed people between the ages of 15yrs – 24yrs old are not in work or school.

We need to reopen Victoria, and keep face masks, and social distancing mandatory.

This is no way to live, shut up in our homes with only one hour a day to exercise and going to the local supermarket, chemist and your doctor.

Tobin Brothers Funerals has just organised a, “Listen Now Week”, which encourages people to pick up the phone or send a message to a loved one.

It’s important now more than ever before to check in on people you care about.


Birthday cake gone wrong!!!

I thought I’d do a nice deed and make a moist chocolate cake for my husband, who was having his Birthday in stage 4 lockdown ….

Not being able to celebrate with family and friends I decided i’d make the perfect cake…..

I haven’t made my chocolate cake for at least 10 years, but it’s an old favourite and i knew it would look and taste terrific!!!

But last night, I took it out of the oven and it looked perfect….. I waited for it to cool down before I lifted it out of the cake tin to put it on a white plate and that’s when it all went pair shape!!

As I lifted it, the cake started to fall apart in my hands, so out of desperation, I tried to piece it back together …

I made very rich chocolate icing to glue it together and this is what I ended up with….

I tried to make it look better my adding icing hearts, but the cake had a mind of its own… it kept oozing chocolate like lava from an erupted mountain!!

Anyway we ate it today and although it looked grose and very ugly, it tasted moreish and just the way I remembered it .


Miranda Kerr’s trademark- her stunning face !

I’m not a “Beauty Blogger”, but because of this Pandemic, we have more time for skin-care.

This is the best time to start and develop your skin regime.

As we all age, we need to use 3 vital skin essentials – a cleanser, serum and moisturiser.

You don’t need to spend lots of money on these products, just make sure you use them daily and that goes for men and women and teenage girls and boys – it’s not just a female matter.

The younger we start treating our skin, the better our skin will age.

I’m horrified to here from my friends in there 50s and upwards, not looking after their skin.

“I’m not working, so I’m not going to bother spending money on beauty products…. I’ve got better things to spend my money on,” a friend said to me.

“No-one is going to see me especially now during lockdown.”

It’s disappointing to here we only want to look after ourselves for other people to notice – we should be doing it for ourselves.

There’s also a few misconceptions around having beautiful, vibrant skin because of genetics!

And maybe models such as Miranda Kerr and Jennifer Hawkins were born with high cheek bones, full lips and peaches and cream complexion, but skin experts say to prevent dehydration and wrinkles, we need to cleanse and moisturise daily.

And of course the Skin Cancer and Melanoma Detection Clinic in Australia, say it’s crucial to wear an SPF30 plus cream to help prevent skin cancer.

I have a free beauty tip to share with you.. I read about this years ago that the Showbiz legend and beauty Marilyn Monroe did everyday.

She cleaned her face in a bowl of ice or really cold water to wake up her skin and give it a glow .

The cold water/ice constricts the capillaries in the face to reduce swelling and puffiness, with the result of your face looking awake and refreshed.

I do that everyday, and then cleanse… I use the supermarket brand Nivea, and once a week I exfoliate with Kate Somerville’s Exfolikate that gets into your pores and cleans away dead skin cells.

Then I apply an eye gel – I love the Clarins one because I can purchase it from my local Chemist.

To achieve smooth, luminosity, apply a rejuvenating serum I have Miranda Kerr’s “Kora Range” – her vitamin C serum is amazing – since using it my sun spots and freckles have faded.

Clarins also has an anti-aging serum – Double Serum (Hydric plus Lipidic system).

And if you want to splash out – Elizabeth Arden has launched high-potency capsules, full of hyaluronic acid, to plump fine lines. It costs $150 for 60 capsules.

Then apply an SPF30 plus and moisturise. I swap my moisturisers around, but at the moment i’m loving Clarins “Beauty Flash Balm”.

This is optional but I’ve been using MooGoo’s gradual tanning cream to give my face a little suntanned glow.

If you’re wearing face makeup you need a primer – I just use Woolies Rimmel Lasting Finish primer.

Then I pat on my face Georgio Armani’s luminous silk foundation.

My last beauty tip is whilst you’re sitting in front of the TV at night, massage your face – it gets the blood circulating and you can do it with your clean hands – there are crystal face rollers – but your fingers is cheaper!!!


Drug dealers come in all shapes and sizes and ages!

I’ve never been religious, but I can’t help but think this Pandemic was meant to happen.

Either a higher being or the universe just went ; “Enough!” Take a long, hard look at how we are ruining Mother Nature.

Maybe it’s a time to reflect on our values, to show more compassion and empathy, less judgement and more gratitude.

A time to treasure our health, embrace our community our neighbours. And time with ourselves, our thoughts and dreams. To make change, be a better soul, a stronger spirit and more mindful.

My hope for 2020, is not to look back on the year in a negative way. I’d like to think it will be a year of big change. One hope is for a violence-free Australia.

Every week on average in Australia a woman dies violently, usually at the hands of someone she knows. Violence is carried out against women of all backgrounds, young and old, women of colour, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, and women with a disability.

The good news is violence is preventable, but we need to see gender equality in all areas we live in. Places we live, learn and work – from schools to decision-making institutions.

I’d also like to see zero tolerance for drug dealers.

I came across a 13-year-old boy Zack yesterday, who asked me if I had any “choof”. He couldn’t stand still, he was swaying and slurring his words – he’d taken 4 xanix tablets ( it’s a prescribed drug usually for those suffering from anxiety) and was meeting 10 of his school mates – 12-year-old girls and some young boys to have a party.

He showed me he had another 10 xanax tablets to take later – he paid $80 for them. I asked him if his parents knew what he was doing and he said his mother left him 12 months ago and there was only him and his dad.

But his dad was on drugs – mainly “Ice” – and he didn’t know where he was. He hadn’t seen him all day.

He told me there were 4 drug dealers within a few streets of where we were standing and they were all willing to sell him any drug.

“I promise I won’t inject, but I want to forget my troubles and I like not feeling anything,” Zack explained.

He normally attends the local Secondary High School, but because of Covid, he’s just walking the streets and catching up with lots of friends who take lots of drugs.

The most popular drugs are marijuana, xanax, ketamine, ecstasy, magic mushrooms and methamphetamines (MDMA).

“The dealers know our ages but they don’t care as long as we pay,” Zack said.

It was obvious Zack wanted to talk to someone, he was lonely – I didn’t know what to do apart from convincing him not to take the rest of the xanax, and letting him know he could unwillingly overdose, and that he was a good person and deserved to live.

I did give him my mobile number and asked him to call me if he just wanted to talk or he was in trouble.

I saw him 20 minutes later in the park I was exercising my dog, with his friends and according to my friends he and his friends “scored”…. We saw an older boy leaving the group and I wanted to run after him and berate him, but my friends stopped me, and told me not to get involved.

I can’t stop thinking about Zack and his friends – what will become of them, especially seeing they’re not at school.

I’ve left a message for my GP, who’s also a Drug & Alcohol Counsellor to ask him, if this happens again or I see Zack what do I say and do for him.

Let’s hope this year brings us all together and we go back to old fashioned values.


Just a simple hug from a Granddaughter to her Nanna brings them so much joy!

Who’s craving a cuddle, or kiss ?

I am – not even my dog, Olly will give me a kiss ! He’s a real law abiding animal, but he’s still sniffing other dog’s bum !

The “chicken wing” elbow touch isn’t doing it for me.

Just recently I felt very sad listening to an 80-year-old woman, called Joan, saying how lonely she is. She’s cooped up in her home, and only sees her daughter once a week so her daughter can give her food and clean her home.

Joan loves listening to 3AW, but her GP told her not to go out shopping or walking because of her health issues.

Unfortunately Joan is just one of many isolated, lonely and sad people living alone.

According to neuroscientist, Matthew Lieberman, humans need to connect is more fundamental than our need for food or shelter.

He said in his book ; “Social, Why Our Brains Are Wired To Connect”, that when someone touches you or you touch someone else, it stimulates receptors on the skin that triggers the release of “Oxytocin”, a bonding and feelgood hormone that lifts our mood.

He says the main benefit of touch include pain reduction.

Serotonin – the bodies natural antidepressant is increased during touching. When the pressure receptors under the skin get stimulated by touch, the nervous system slows down and levels of stress hormones such as “cortisol” decrease.

“Then that saves natural killer cells ward off bacterial, viral and cancer cells,” he explains.

“So hugging, back-rubbing, massaging and any exercise that moves the skin helps keep us healthy.”

So it makes sense that footballers and other contact sportspeople have high performance levels.

Unfortunately my Exercise Physiologist may not be able to work under the stage 4 restrictions. But he said he maybe able to take online classes ….. But how is he going to know how his clients are feeling ?

In a real life studio environment there’s a personal connection and energy in the room. I know it’s better than nothing, but I’m a real people person – i love human contact.

This stage 4 lockdown is difficult for most people and unfortunately the suicide rate is higher than people dying from Covid 19.

Personally we have to learn to live with the Virus, we can’t indefinitely shutdown the economy.

We’ve had to live through the 1918 influenza pandemic, the Spanish Flu, which killed 50 million people worldwide. And HIV/AIDS has infected 75 million, and has killed 32 million .

Medical experts say it will take approximately 2 years to come up with a vaccine, and until then we have to learn to live with it.

Take precautions, but don’t make us prisoners in our own home.

What sort of world are we living in when we can’t move outside 5 kms of where we live or see our family and friends, and only exercise one hour a day!!

Six weeks of this Lockdown isn’t going to eradicate the Virus …. It’s just making people lonely, depressed, grumpy and very sad.

It’s not how we should live… This is just an existance !! Stay safe everyone!


Even Olly wears a mask outdoors – of course it had to be glittery!!!

I don’t understand why there are ant-maskers, when expert medical officers say face coverings help stop the spread of the world’s largest pandemic.

It’s compulsory in Victoria and in many countries around the world to wear a mask in public.

But there’s idiots such as the “karens” who refuse to wear face coverings in public because they think Covid 19 is a conspiracy.

Really? The huge number of people contracting the virus is nearly up to 1,000 cases a day and 20 deaths.

And what about the poor families who can’t be with their loved ones who are dying.

Then there’s the brave, compassionate medical workers on the front line who wear protective clothing including face shields and face masks all day long. They suffer from skin sores, heat rashes and elevated heart rate, but they’re not complaining.

Anti-maskers argue why does social distancing exists, if masks are effective?

I heard a pro-masker on radio say that people who believe in science will outlive the ignorant. And if ant-maskers fall sick, they should turn down the ventilator because of their face freedom views.

So is a $200 fine enough to stop ant-face maskers?

And what about the young Police Constable, who allegedly had her head smashed into the ground in Frankston by an anti-masker who refused to wear a face mask.

The Constable suffered concussion and her attacker was only fined $200 and is out on bail pending charges in March next year.

And on Sunday this minority of ignorant people will “March For Freedom”, risking $1,600 fines per person.

No-one enjoys wearing a mask – I’ve spent $100 on masks that don’t fit me. I have a small face and my ears bend with the elastic, but thanks to my Fashion Designer friend, Rosie Condo ( who owns Vintage Rose in Brighton) she has tailor made some “bling” masks to fit me. Plus I’ve bought turtle neck scarves for walking in.

I walk daily with my dog Olly along the beach and I’ve been surprised with the amount of people not wearing a mask.. When I’ve asked them why they’re flouting the law they say they have a medical problem such as asthma and that exempts them from wearing a face covering.

And what about the runners, who don’t need to wear masks, they run by you sweating and spitting!!!

Daniel Andrews if walkers have to wear masks than you need to make face coverings mandatory for runners!!!

kitchen gadgets

This is the latest craze an air fryer

When it comes to kitchen gadgets, somehow I missed that gene.

Among the latest fads are a thermomix and airfryer.

I remember being given an ice-cream maker, coffee maker and yoghurt maker for Christmas and their still in there boxes in the garage!

Rice cookers, slow cookers, nutribullets, induction burner and frypan, food processors, electric food steamers, popcorn makers, blenders galore, juicers, soda streams, pizza ovens, deep fryers, smoothie blenders, portable barbeques, bread makers, kitchen wizzes and the list goes on.

I know during this pandemic people are home and to keep busy they’re cooking more, especially now Victoria has gone into stage 4 restrictions.

Friends of mine are making pasta, bread asnd cakes and getting their children involved.

It’s like the old days when you had to create your own entertainment.

I think it’s positive that we’re spending more time with our family. But when we go back to normal, whatever that means, there’s going to be a glut of these kitchen appliances selling on ebay or stored in the garage!

I have the essential items – oven, microwave, steamer, blender, toaster, Bamix, fridge and just last week I purchased a few non-stick frypans and saucepans on sale.

Apart from having no room for more utilities, I don’t need anything else.

And what about the techno savvy smart appliances?

I’m just up to using a voice assistant such as Amazon Alexa – I have a Google Home and I ask it to play 3AW, or music I like.

But now there are apps and voice assistants that can control everything from your lightbulbs to your refridgerator.

Now you can talk to your microwave and control your blender from your mobile. There’s a smart coffee machine, so when it’s hard to get out of bed during these cold mornings, you can say : “Alexa brew me some coffee!”

The smart air fryer has 11 cooking modes, pairs with an app that helps you cook more than 100 different recipes and it pairs up with Alexa, so you can use it without even touching a button !!!

It’s all becoming too high tech for me, like the old animated TV series, “The Jetsons”.

Just give me the bare minimum and I’m happy… my parents were with their very swish electric beaters and electric frypan !!!



I met Ronnie recently – a homeless man fallen on hard times.

He used to be a successful builder, but a failed marriage, bankruptcy, unemployment, both parents dying a few weeks of each other, a 20 year-old daughter diagnosed with breast cancer, and his beloved 8year-old King Charles Cavalier dying from cancer saw him sink into deep depression.

His friends disappeared but he’s found strangers kind to him.

I met Ronnie on the footpath outside Coles in Church st, Brighton.

I always give money or food to the homeless, but Ronnie was different, he wasn’t begging, just sitting peacefully with no signs or hat asking for money.

I looked at him and realised he didn’t have any food or drinks like previous homeless people vacating that spot.

I asked him if he was alright and he told me his story and how ashamed he was that he’s found himself on the streets.

He said he used to own an old home in Carnegie, but after he lost work and his life savings, his wife of 20 years left him for another man and his 3 children distanced themselves from him because he says, “the Ronnie bank dried up”!

He still sees his youngest daughter with breast cancer. He only has one brother living, but he’s overseas.

In a matter of 9 months Ronnie found himself alone but relied on his constant companion Benny, his 8 year old labrador for company.

He was devasted when Benny passed and being a dog lover and owner myself, I so totally understand – the unconditional love !

But he can’t afford another dog – even if it was a rescue – he said the dog food, vet fees etc he couldn’t pay for and be a responsible good owner.

He had no belongings, like a backpack because he told me his belongings were stolen when he recently left is spot in the Bourke st mall to go to the toilet.

That’s when he moved to the suburbs and he feels safer and his favourite place is Brighton, because people talk to him and he’s not treated like a low life.

Good on you Brighton – residents maybe bad at wearing masks, but kind to the homeless.

And Ronnie was wearing a surgical mask that a young nurse walking by him gave him to wear.

I mentioned Ronnie to my friends and to my dismay they were all of the opinion that they’re sick and tired of homeless people begging for money.

“”I complain to the shop where the homeless people hang out,” one friend said. “I also complain to the local council – these so called homeless people probably have more money than we do!!”

By the way I did ask Ronnie what he’d like me to buy for him, and he said a cappuccino with one sugar, so I started walking to the local deli, and he yelled out to me; “Not from there they make bad coffee …. could you go to Allegro, their coffee is superb and they’re very kind to me!!”

I stopped in my tracks and said ; ” How do you know that?” Ronnie said ; “I’m quite lucky a few people buy me coffee from Allegro – I have about 5 cups a day!!”

I didn’t know what to say and just laughed – a homeless person telling me where to buy a coffee!!

It was late in the day when I gave Ronnie his coffee and he was heading off to a men’s shelter in St.Kilda to sleep the night.

And unfortunately my mobile rang as I was giving Ronnie his coffee, because I would’ve liked to help him more..

I’ve returned to his spot in Church St and even asked the managers at Allegro if they’ve seen Ronnie and they said he hasn’t returned since I last saw him.

I hope he’s alright – I don’t think he was a junkie or an alcoholic, just an unlucky man in his early 50s fallen on hard times, which can happen to any of us.

What’s wrong with helping those less fortunate… My friends say he should go to the Salvos or Red Cross for help.

But as the medical health officers say we’re in unchartered waters right now, so show empathy towards your fellow person.

If someone looks sad and lonely give them a smile ( a bit hard with face coverings) or just say hello – you don’t know how much that will brighten someone’s life up.

There are too many grumpy people around – especially drivers. I get bipped and abused daily because I’m obeying the road rules and not speeding – where are these cars going in such a hurry ?

Just be nice to people make it your mission to put a smile on one person’s face a day…. It doesn’t cost anything !!!!


Good on you Deborah Hutton for highlighting your skin cancer battle.

This famous Australian model, TV presenter and editor of the Australian Women’s Weekly for a decade urged people this week on Instagram, magazines and the 9 Network’s A Current Affair, that she recently had to have a Basal Cell Carcinoma, cut out of her face.

She had the same skin cancer 9 years ago, and has been having regular skin checks since then.

Deborah was told this time around the cancer had spread.

It was her dermatologist who picked up the cancer ….. Deborah thought she just had 2 pimples!

Once under the knife, the 3 hour operation was brutal. Surgeons had to cut from the left side of her nose to her upper lip.

The biopsies showed 2 pernicious skin cancers and that the surgeons had just got it in time – left any longer and the cancer would have entered into her bloodstream….. the surgeons said she was very lucky.

The 58 year-old said she was lucky and wants to share her story with people and hopes by showing her face scars, it will highlight how dangerous it is to sunbake like she did when she was younger.

And by talking about her plight, people will have regular skin checks and stay out of the sun.

Well I listened to her – I have similar skin to Deborah’s – fair, light Irish/French skin and like Deborah I used to apply coconut oil to my face and body and sunbake until I was burnt.

So I went to my GP and explained the Deborah Hutton story and that I noticed 2 small red spots on my cheeks ( I thought I had eczema) and he said I had solar keratosis and prescribed a gel, Solaraze, which contains diclofenac sodium, and cost a woping $92…. and I have to apply it twice a day for 90 days!

He said I will experience redness and I’m to stay out of the sun.

Deborah like Olivia Newton-John, who publicised her breast cancer to encourage people to have regular breast examinations, is on a crusade to highlight how serious skin cancer is.

She said when she was first diagnosed with skin cancer 9 years ago,but she didn’t take it seriously.

She thought skin cancer was less scary than breast cancer, or cervical cancer or lung and brain cancer…..But as she discovered this time around she could have died from her melanoma.

So get checked everyone !!!