kitchen gadgets

This is the latest craze an air fryer

When it comes to kitchen gadgets, somehow I missed that gene.

Among the latest fads are a thermomix and airfryer.

I remember being given an ice-cream maker, coffee maker and yoghurt maker for Christmas and their still in there boxes in the garage!

Rice cookers, slow cookers, nutribullets, induction burner and frypan, food processors, electric food steamers, popcorn makers, blenders galore, juicers, soda streams, pizza ovens, deep fryers, smoothie blenders, portable barbeques, bread makers, kitchen wizzes and the list goes on.

I know during this pandemic people are home and to keep busy they’re cooking more, especially now Victoria has gone into stage 4 restrictions.

Friends of mine are making pasta, bread asnd cakes and getting their children involved.

It’s like the old days when you had to create your own entertainment.

I think it’s positive that we’re spending more time with our family. But when we go back to normal, whatever that means, there’s going to be a glut of these kitchen appliances selling on ebay or stored in the garage!

I have the essential items – oven, microwave, steamer, blender, toaster, Bamix, fridge and just last week I purchased a few non-stick frypans and saucepans on sale.

Apart from having no room for more utilities, I don’t need anything else.

And what about the techno savvy smart appliances?

I’m just up to using a voice assistant such as Amazon Alexa – I have a Google Home and I ask it to play 3AW, or music I like.

But now there are apps and voice assistants that can control everything from your lightbulbs to your refridgerator.

Now you can talk to your microwave and control your blender from your mobile. There’s a smart coffee machine, so when it’s hard to get out of bed during these cold mornings, you can say : “Alexa brew me some coffee!”

The smart air fryer has 11 cooking modes, pairs with an app that helps you cook more than 100 different recipes and it pairs up with Alexa, so you can use it without even touching a button !!!

It’s all becoming too high tech for me, like the old animated TV series, “The Jetsons”.

Just give me the bare minimum and I’m happy… my parents were with their very swish electric beaters and electric frypan !!!

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