I met Ronnie recently – a homeless man fallen on hard times.

He used to be a successful builder, but a failed marriage, bankruptcy, unemployment, both parents dying a few weeks of each other, a 20 year-old daughter diagnosed with breast cancer, and his beloved 8year-old King Charles Cavalier dying from cancer saw him sink into deep depression.

His friends disappeared but he’s found strangers kind to him.

I met Ronnie on the footpath outside Coles in Church st, Brighton.

I always give money or food to the homeless, but Ronnie was different, he wasn’t begging, just sitting peacefully with no signs or hat asking for money.

I looked at him and realised he didn’t have any food or drinks like previous homeless people vacating that spot.

I asked him if he was alright and he told me his story and how ashamed he was that he’s found himself on the streets.

He said he used to own an old home in Carnegie, but after he lost work and his life savings, his wife of 20 years left him for another man and his 3 children distanced themselves from him because he says, “the Ronnie bank dried up”!

He still sees his youngest daughter with breast cancer. He only has one brother living, but he’s overseas.

In a matter of 9 months Ronnie found himself alone but relied on his constant companion Benny, his 8 year old labrador for company.

He was devasted when Benny passed and being a dog lover and owner myself, I so totally understand – the unconditional love !

But he can’t afford another dog – even if it was a rescue – he said the dog food, vet fees etc he couldn’t pay for and be a responsible good owner.

He had no belongings, like a backpack because he told me his belongings were stolen when he recently left is spot in the Bourke st mall to go to the toilet.

That’s when he moved to the suburbs and he feels safer and his favourite place is Brighton, because people talk to him and he’s not treated like a low life.

Good on you Brighton – residents maybe bad at wearing masks, but kind to the homeless.

And Ronnie was wearing a surgical mask that a young nurse walking by him gave him to wear.

I mentioned Ronnie to my friends and to my dismay they were all of the opinion that they’re sick and tired of homeless people begging for money.

“”I complain to the shop where the homeless people hang out,” one friend said. “I also complain to the local council – these so called homeless people probably have more money than we do!!”

By the way I did ask Ronnie what he’d like me to buy for him, and he said a cappuccino with one sugar, so I started walking to the local deli, and he yelled out to me; “Not from there they make bad coffee …. could you go to Allegro, their coffee is superb and they’re very kind to me!!”

I stopped in my tracks and said ; ” How do you know that?” Ronnie said ; “I’m quite lucky a few people buy me coffee from Allegro – I have about 5 cups a day!!”

I didn’t know what to say and just laughed – a homeless person telling me where to buy a coffee!!

It was late in the day when I gave Ronnie his coffee and he was heading off to a men’s shelter in St.Kilda to sleep the night.

And unfortunately my mobile rang as I was giving Ronnie his coffee, because I would’ve liked to help him more..

I’ve returned to his spot in Church St and even asked the managers at Allegro if they’ve seen Ronnie and they said he hasn’t returned since I last saw him.

I hope he’s alright – I don’t think he was a junkie or an alcoholic, just an unlucky man in his early 50s fallen on hard times, which can happen to any of us.

What’s wrong with helping those less fortunate… My friends say he should go to the Salvos or Red Cross for help.

But as the medical health officers say we’re in unchartered waters right now, so show empathy towards your fellow person.

If someone looks sad and lonely give them a smile ( a bit hard with face coverings) or just say hello – you don’t know how much that will brighten someone’s life up.

There are too many grumpy people around – especially drivers. I get bipped and abused daily because I’m obeying the road rules and not speeding – where are these cars going in such a hurry ?

Just be nice to people make it your mission to put a smile on one person’s face a day…. It doesn’t cost anything !!!!

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